Thursday, January 29, 2009

I can't tell you how many times I've walked into a clients house and heard them say "I don't know if I have enough organizing containers to hold all my stuff". After we get started we usually find out that they have more than enough. In fact most of the time we have left over containers, lots of them! Why? Because it's not about getting more containers it's about getting rid of "stuff".

It can be very hard to resist buying a new storage system. We are inundated with flyer's and TV ads that make it look so easy. Especially in January the month of new beginnings. "Just buy this matching organizing system and all of your clothes will magically fold and stack themselves in color coordinating order" Ha!

Often we let our stuff define who we are. Instead of owning our stuff our stuff owns us. Does what you own enhance your life or does it get in the way of the life you really want to live. If you are spending so much time caring for and organizing and cleaning the things you own that you aren't able to enjoy what you really want to in your life then it's time get rid of some things.

When letting go of things keep this in mind. Does this item enrich your life? If so, keep it if it doesn't or if your aren't sure then git rid of it. Having less to take care of can free your life and mind up to greater possibilities!

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