Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Cluttered Home = Cluttered Mind

Clutter in around your home or office can have a negative psychological impact. Having piles of paper and clothes lying around can be stressful. Each time you pass a pile that you need to get to it may stir up negative emotional feelings. You may feel bad about yourself because you are not attending to the matter. You may realize that there is something buried in that pile that is going to be an issue when it’s uncovered. For example an unpaid bill or unfiled tax forms. You may feel overwhelmed by the clutter and unable to make the first move toward organization.

Maybe your clutter is not that drastic. Maybe you just have a messy garage or a storage area that needs organizing. These may also cause negative emotions. Each time you begin a project and have to waste time looking for the necessary tools this causes stressful feelings. It may also cause arguments with your loved ones. If your storage area is out of control you may be using up some of your living space for storage. It could be that your unorganized storage area is a potential fire hazard or that if your basement floods your things could be damaged.

Thinking about all of this weighs us down and inhibits us from being productive. You may not constantly be thinking about it but the underlying stress is there. Taking that first step may just be too overwhelming.

Here are some things to consider if you have clutter that needs your attention.

1. It’s probably not as bad as you think.
2. It probably won’t take as much time as you think.
3. The first step is the hardest.
4. The relief you will feel afterwards will be worth the effort.
5. It’s ok to ask for help.

If you are avoiding some clutter in your home or office then take the next couple of days to repeat the 5 statements above as often as possible. Write them down in your own handwriting and post them somewhere you will be constantly reminded. Then, check back with me here in 4 or 5 days and find the next steps to conquering your clutter. Together we can get your clutter under control and free up your mind for more important matters.

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