Monday, April 13, 2009

As promised I have started reading Enough Already!: Clearing Mental Clutter to Become the Best You by Peter Walsh. If you haven’t gotten a copy I suggest you do as I have found so much to write about in the introduction alone. Mr. Walsh encourages us to look at how not only the clutter in our homes but also the clutter in our minds affects our daily lives. This book is really in line with what I have been trying to accomplish in my own life - stopping all the useless mental chatter, and de-cluttering my mind to be open to new relationships, ideas and opportunities.

“Stuff” seems to be the biggest hurdle in getting organized inside and out. We acquire certain things because we believe that if we have them we will be “happier”, “thinner”, “more attractive” or “more likeable”. Generally all we really get from those things is something to trip over, dust or worry about.

I suggest that we think long and hard before we get any more “stuff” that we think we need. First of all decide if it is in line with your values and what you want out of your life. Mr. Walsh talks of creating a vision for your life and then making sure that what we own, how we interact with others and what we value is in line with that vision.

My favorite quote from the introduction is this “The only path is the one you design. The only obstacles are the ones you buy, create or imagine.” Something to think about!


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